The Alpha's Daughter: Shifter Clans Series Book 1 by Tiffany Shand

The Alpha's Daughter: Shifter Clans Series Book 1 by Tiffany Shand

Author:Tiffany Shand [Shand, Tiffany]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Tiffany Shand
Published: 2017-07-11T16:00:00+00:00

Ronan headed up to the hall with its gleaming oak walls and marble floor. The rest of Henric’s advisers were there, key members among the clan and they all stayed silent as Henric paced.

“Henric, stop your pacing, you’re making everyone uneasy,” Magda scolded.

“Don’t tell me what to do, witch,” he snarled, coming to an abrupt halt. “Find my children, now!”

Magda rolled her eyes. “Your children have gone for a run. Every now and then it’s good to let them off the lead.”

His eyes flashed amber. “Stop mocking me, you–”

“Mock? When have I ever done that?” Magda snorted.

“Magda,” Ronan hissed. “Stop!”

Her irritating Henric would only make things worse.

The old witch sighed. “Your children are fine. Here they are now.”

The heavy doors opened and in walked Malic and Christy.

“Where have you been?” Henric thundered. “I’ve had scouts all over the island looking for you.”

“Jeez, Papa, we only went for a run,” Malic remarked. “I was on patrol.”

“You’re my beta, you shouldn’t patrol.”

Ha, Mal has no real power, Ronan thought. That’s why you’re using Christy to make Alec alpha, since he’s stronger.

“Maybe if you didn’t keep driving so many of us away I wouldn’t have to.”

Henric froze. “I smell blood, why...”

“We caught three of Alec's wolves on our border,” Christy spoke up. “They tried attacking a child.”

Henric’s brow creased. “Who’s child?”

She bit her lip. “A mongrel.”

Henric muttered an oath. “Why would you help a mongrel child? Did you forget what they did to our family?”

“How could I when you remind me of it every time we see each other?” Christy demanded.

“Get your wounds tended to. Malic, don’t you dare go to the...”

“Papa, Alec’s men trespassed on our land. Aren’t you going to do something?” Christy snapped. “They attacked us too – just like Oren attacked me in London.”

Henric glared at her for daring to question him. “You shouldn’t have been anywhere near the Outland. Go, make sure you’re healed,” he barked. “As for the attack in London you have no proof who that psychic was. It could have been anyone. Now go to your room, you need to look rested before the party.”

“Oh yes, we must make sure the prize cow is all perfect and presentable before you sell her.” Christy folded her arms, returning his glare. “If you cared so much about my safety you’d do something about the people who’ve spent the past decade trying to kidnap or kill me.”

“I kept you safe by having you live among the humans, away from people on this island who would kill you.” Henric’s voice was low and harsh as he leaned close to her. “Now get out of here, and don’t you dare question my authority in front of my clan again.”

Ronan winced, wishing he could do something as Christy stood her ground.

“Papa, Christy is right,” Mal agreed. “Alec’s men don’t have our permission to be here.”

“Alec’s men can come and go freely to the border. It’s not my territory.” Henric turned back to his great wooden throne, the seat of the alpha.

“Maybe they wouldn’t if you stopped sucking up to Alec all the time,” Christy snarled.


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